Freitag, 23. März 2007

Smoking in Public - Germany

Folks, this is something that drives me up the wall. I mean, seriously, Germany is the only developed country I know that makes such a fuss about prohibiting smoking in public, including restaurants, bars, clubs and the like. Yesterday, the heads of the states have agreed upon the relevance of the Moreover, for reasons of federalism every state will be in charge of finding their own rules and regulations for the prohibition of smoking. By now, this has lead to literally "some" suggestions. Some states want to forbid smoking in restaurants, bars, clubs - full stop. Others instead opt for exceptions for clubs and want to establish seperate rooms in restaurants where smoking will still be allowed (yet there will possibly be no service in these rooms for health reasons of employees). A third group thinks that smoking shall only be allowed in owner-operated pubs (because then no employee is exposed to passive smoking).
Eventually, this means that every federal state will have their own regulation...wonderful! So if I desperately want to smoke indoors, I will probably have to go to another state. Or even better: If I totally dislike smoke around me, I will have to do that as well. Now how great is that?!?! Can you imagine the complexity of those regulations and the cost for implementation? We have 16 states in Germany. Even if some do cooperate as they explain now, several rules will have to be thought of, written down, audited, applied and their compliance will have to be controlled. Think of the costs for each state developing and implementing their rules!!! It's ridiculous...?!?!

Why can't we just make ONE single rule that applies for whole Germany? No exception. No smoking allowed in any public place where people gather and drinks or food are served or sold. That's it. Simple. Easy to develop, straightforward to implement and mind-blowingly frugal to control. No big deal. Could be done by the beginning of April.

They currently hope to have a conclusion by summer and are trying hard to implement it by the end of this year. Do I really have to explain further why I really dislike German bureaucracy?

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